If you’ve ever stepped into a messy and disorganized office, you know how overwhelming it can be. Not only does it make productivity suffer, but it can also have an impact on your employees’ morale. With unhappy employees comes the risk of high turnover rates—something no company wants to experience. 

That’s why it’s important to create a simplified and efficient office environment using organized office ideas. Here are six tips on how you can do just that:

1. Embrace Unified Communications

Unified communications (UC) is a powerful tool that allows businesses to bring all of their communication methods into one platform including the following:

  • Voice
  • Video conferencing
  • Messaging
  • File-sharing services

By having a unified platform, it eliminates the need to juggle multiple apps and makes it easier for employees to collaborate, no matter where they’re located—an added boost to company morale.

2. Create a System of Folders

If you want an organized office idea that’s easy to implement, then you have to put some structure in place. Start by creating folders and designating them for specific tasks or projects. That way, you can keep all the documents in one place and make it easier to retrieve information quickly when needed.

Whether you use a label maker or simple folders, you’ll be able to reduce the clutter and keep things organized with ease.

3. Get Rid of Clutter

Take some time each day to get rid of clutter that accumulates on your desk or shelves. This includes old paperwork, broken pens and pencils, empty coffee cups, or any other items that don’t belong. 

Setting aside a few minutes each day will help keep your office space organized and make it easier to stay focused on the task at hand. Implement this across the company so every employee is doing their part in keeping the space and mind clutter-free!

Pro tip: setting a 5-minute timer can help keep you on track and focused on the task!

4. Invest in Cable Management Products

Cords can be messy and difficult to manage. But by investing in some cable management products like cable ties, spiral wrapping bands, and even cable organizers for power strips, you can effectively control the chaos of cords and make your office space look more presentable.

5. Get Rid of Unnecessary Items

Take a close look at all the items in your office. Are there any that you don’t need? There are common items that people tend to keep yet don’t need, such as the following:

  • Old furniture
  • Outdated electronics
  • Other decorations that no longer serve a purpose

By getting rid of these items, you can free up space and make your office look more organized.

6. Invest in Extra Storage

Sometimes, it’s just not possible to keep everything organized on your own. That’s where extra storage comes in. Investing in a few shelves or filing cabinets can help you store documents and items out of the way while still keeping them within reach. Or try digital storage like cloud services or external hard drives to store important documents electronically and safely.

By following these tips, you can create organized office ideas for your environment that will make your employees happy and help keep them productive. So, if you’re ready to take the next step in creating a more efficient workplace, try these six organized office ideas.

Keep Your Workspace Organized with the Help of Telewire

At Telewire, we understand how important it is to have organized office ideas for your space. That’s why we offer a full suite of unified communications solutions that can help you create a more efficient working environment.

From our voice services to our collaboration tools, you’ll be able to stay connected and keep your workspace organized. Contact us today to experience a clutter-free space and mind.