In the healthcare industry, Grand View Research reported, “The market for healthcare cloud infrastructure increased by 9.7% from 2019 to 2020.” The benefits of this tool became that much more evident post-pandemic. The cloud computing for healthcare model allows providers to store and access data from anywhere at any time, aiding efficient patient care.

While most know the basics of this tool, cloud computing for healthcare has its own nuances.

The New Era of E-Prescribing

Out with the old, in with the new — e-prescribing takes the place of paper prescriptions. The cloud serves as the bridge between patient and provider, allowing for seamless prescribing processes.

Healthcare workers who adopted this have fewer mistakes and more efficient processes due to e-prescribing’s known ability to avoid any mess-ups. Cloud computing for healthcare workers enables them to:

  • Access real-time data
  • Create secure connections with cloud providers
  • Prescribe medicines in the most secure fashion
  • Enhances patient safety
  • Offers flexibility and scalability

Cloud computing is a package deal and one you don’t want to miss out on.

Mandates About Healthcare Electronics

Many states now have laws that require certain providers to use cloud-based systems for storing patient information and handling administrative tasks. For example, some states mandate that all physicians must use cloud-based systems in order to be able to access patient records remotely.

Due to costly cyberattacks that left patients’ records vulnerable over the years, cloud computing for healthcare is now a necessity. This ensures that all medical information remains secure and private. No one wants to leave it up to chance anymore. According to Deloitte, cyberattacks rose 35% post-pandemic. Meaning as cybercriminals adapt, we must adapt too.

Adapting to HIPAA Compliance

It’s essential that providers understand the requirements of HIPAA when it comes to cloud-based systems, as failure to comply could result in serious fines or other penalties on top of possible damages to patient trust. To be exact, the ADA reports you can face up to $50,000 and up to one year in prison.

HIPAA compliance requirements could be anything from encryption to authentication. Additionally, cloud-based systems must be managed in a way that ensures patient data is not accessible to unauthorized individuals or entities.

Cloud computing for healthcare can be an invaluable tool for providers when it comes to improving efficiency and accuracy in healthcare delivery as it can swiftly cover all of your bases. However, providers must also be aware of the obligations that cloud computing brings with it, including ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations.

By understanding the implications of cloud computing and taking steps to ensure compliance, providers can take advantage of this technology while still protecting their patients’ privacy.

Let Telewire Solve Your Cloud Computing Needs

At Telewire, our cloud solutions are designed with you in mind. Our cloud platforms are built using the latest technologies to ensure HIPAA compliance, while also providing secure and reliable access to all your cloud needs.

We can help simplify the process of cloud computing for healthcare providers, so you can focus on delivering quality care without worrying about compliance issues. Get started with us today to learn more about how we can help you with cloud computing.