Are you constantly dealing with IT issues? Do you worry about potential security vulnerabilities? It may be time to get some help. A managed services provider (MSP) can assist your business with the tasks of protecting, upgrading, and monitoring your network. An MSP focuses on improving performance and managing your infrastructure.

What Is a Managed Services Provider?

A managed services provider (MSP) is an outsourced company that assumes the responsibility for certain services for its customers. MSPs deliver services such as network applications, infrastructure, and security. They can help with everything from technical support to remote monitoring. Using an MSP is a strategic method to improve operations for small and large businesses.

MSPs provide the following services:

  • Manage networks and infrastructure 
  • Protect your system from malware and viruses 
  • Offer round-the-clock support services
  • Manage cloud infrastructure 
  • Enable wireless and mobile computing 
  • Provide telecommunication services such as VoIP
  • Deliver data analytics

Why You Need an MSP

How do you know when it is time to get an MSP? The following four reasons are good indicators that your business could use an MSP.

You Need Proactive Monitoring

Many small businesses don’t have a dedicated IT person but need to protect their network. You can’t afford to have disrupting problems and phishing attacks. To fully protect your network, your company requires regular, proactive updates, employee training, and 24/7 monitoring. 

MSPs provide your business with the monitoring needed to protect your network. Let your employees focus on the things they do best and get an MSP to complete these IT tasks for you.

You Have IT Cost Concerns

If you are worried about continually adding skilled IT resources to stay competitive, you may need an MSP. A robust IT infrastructure is essential to small businesses. 

MSPs ensure that companies have ongoing network support with regularly scheduled maintenance, which allows small business CEOs to put their focus back on generating profit for the business rather than spending it on IT support. MSPs deliver a cost-effective way to secure your company’s IT environment.

You’re Worried About Security

Phishing, ransomware and malware attacks are on the rise and happen to businesses of every size. If you handle data, collect information about clients, or have any proprietary information, you’re right to feel worried. 

An MSP can give you the peace of mind that you need. They will be another set of eyes watching the network activity, and they can handle routine tasks like virus monitoring and patch management.

An Attack Would Damage Your Business

Cybercrime is prevalent and an attack can not only ruin your reputation, but it could destroy your business. It isn’t just about the disruption to your staff, but it is also important to know that your customer’s information is safe. Customers don’t want to receive a notification that you have exposed their information to hackers.

Customers also do not want service disruptions. If a cyberattack happens, you may not be able to deliver on your orders in a timely manner. This will damage your reputation as a trustworthy company. Small businesses should work with an MSP to minimize the risk of a cyber attack.

As technology becomes a more integral part of doing business, every small business needs to be concerned about its IT security. If a business sector has a dedicated IT department, it can easily provide the support and services that are necessary to keep their IT going and prevent cyber attacks.

If you run a business that is overwhelmed by constantly upgrading software and monitoring security, it is critical that you reach out to an MSP to find out more information about how their services can help your business run more smoothly.