Outsourcing your IT to a managed IT support company is often more affordable than an in-house IT team. When those at a company get comfortable with the same patterns and IT services for years, it’s widely believed it saves costs. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

A managed IT support company does more than cut costs. They provide several benefits that provide an ability for streamlined efficiency. These added benefits allow you to concentrate efforts on the work you haven’t had the time for, taking a load off your plate.

We’ve compiled a list of 7 ways managed IT support streamlines efficiency for companies who acquire these services.

1. Proactive Network Monitoring

A managed IT support company takes a proactive approach to your network security. This means you’ll receive 24/7 monitoring to look out for potential threats and prevent them from being successful in disrupting your systems.

During the second quarter of 2022, users around the globe witnessed approximately 52 million system breaches, statista reported. Unfortunately, these cyber threats don’t cease to exist when you fall asleep, or when no one is at the office.

With proactive network monitoring, outsourced support can catch these threats before they become issues, and before they cost you time, money, and reputational damage.

2. Improved Employee Productivity

When employees run into technical difficulties with their workstations or devices, it’s a major hindrance to their productivity.  While it’s important your employees are aware of threats and are trained on how to prevent them, handling individual IT services and processes on top of their normal job duties could get in the way of what they’re there for.

An IT support company can quickly solve any hiccups and ensure employees are able to work without delay, improving overall efficiency. Issues are also resolved quicker than if an employee is left to solve these technical issues, as you get a team of experts to solve any sticky IT problems.

3. Cloud Solution Migrations

Cloud solutions migrations involve moving your important data and information to the cloud, rather than traditional on-site servers. There are countless benefits that come with migrating to the cloud, including cost-efficiency, scalability, and increased efficiency in accessing information through any device with internet access.

Cloud solutions are becoming more and more of a necessity for companies. But it’s not as simple as just switching to the cloud, your data needs to migrate over in a secure way without risking any damage or loss.

A managed IT support company can handle this migration seamlessly, ensuring that your cloud solutions are properly adapted into your workflows, without interruptions or loss. They provide storage space, allow for remote work, and ensure increased security.

4. Compliance

No company wants to be at the receiving end of a lawsuit or fine due to noncompliance with industry regulations.  This is where managed IT support can provide significant value, as they exponentially help to reduce those risks.

With outsourcing comes the assurance of your network’s safety, including prevented data breaches, without which could lead to sensitive information being leaked, putting you at risk of a hefty lawsuit.

5. Scalability

As your company grows and expands, so too must the capabilities of your network.  And while it’s easy enough to add an extra workstation or two, scaling a whole network takes time and resources beyond that.

Outsourcing your IT provides scalability options for growing businesses to ensure their networks can handle the following:

  • New employees
  • New software
  • Increased data  
  • Additional devices 
  • Remote work

6. Cost

The cost for an in-house IT team adds up quickly, with multiple salaries and equipment to purchase and maintain.  An IT support company offers a more affordable option as they handle all aspects of your network’s needs including every service mentioned above and more, like equipment and maintenance.

7. Expertise

You get top-notch expertise with a managed IT support company, which translates to no more guessing work. The hired IT services team will have extensive knowledge and experience in the field, able to solve any issues quickly and efficiently. They stay up to date on the latest technologies and threats, ensuring your network is always protected.

Reach Out to Telewire Today

Configuring and maintaining your systems and network doesn’t have to be a burden for your company. Get started with Telewire today, where we support your Maryland business by reducing cyber security threats, costly downtime, and catastrophic data loss. Reach out to our office and see how our managed IT solutions can benefit your business.